Digital Signage Tag

Continuing our series on video, we are going to discuss some of the important facts and details about brightness, what those numbers mean, and image size. If you have not, may we recommend you catch-up by looking at the past...

An illuminating article by one of our most trusted display manufacturing partners, Planar Systems, regarding the role of digital displays in the workplace. Did you know digital signage can help increase productivity, foster innovation and provide a valuable platform for...

Written by Conor McGill Try this simple exercise. Look closely at your screen, see if you can distinguish individual pixels. If you have a relatively new screen, it is likely that it will be difficult to see each pixel. Now, bring...

RFID doesn’t just stand for “Really Fresh Ice-cream’s Delicious” - it’s also the commonly used acronym for Radio Frequency IDentification. At Izzy’s Ice Cream, both interpretations of RFID are equally important. While technology may not be the first thing that...